1. The People CRM is where you can find and manage your LC's EPs. It's where most of oGX members' work happens. To find it just click on the 1st icon on the leftside bar of EXPA homepage.
2. You can also hover your mouse over the icon to find other CRM options. While People will show you all the EPs you have access to on the platform, People I Manage will show you only those EPs to which you were assigned as manager.
Note: Only LCVPs and above have access to EPs to which they're not asisgned.
3. Once in the CRM, you'll be able to see a list of EPs and some of their information in a table. In the upper side of the page, you'll find the Filters. Select different filters to view different types of EPs according to the characteristics you're looking for.
Example: To see only EPs who registered this month and have already applied to an opportunity, use the filters Registered>This month and Status>Applied
4. You can access more filters by clicking on More in the end of the filters list.
5. You can change the CRM's view from table to Kanban Board by clicking in one of the icons in the upper right side of the page. Learn more about this in this aticle.
6. The columns of the table show different information about each EP. You can make even more information visible and also hide other by clicking on the last icon in the table's upper right corner.
7. You can also change the order the lines of the table are sorted by clicking on the icon with a down arrow
8. Finally, the gear icon will give you options of different types of bulk actions you can use to edit multiples EPs at once. Learn more about this here.
Any further questions? Feel free to hit us up at expasupport@aiesec.net
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