Keeping track of your EPs just got eaiser in EXPA 3. With the Follow Up feature even more information about your EP process can be made available with just a click of the mouse. Here's how to make the best out of it:
1. First, you need to access the EP's profile page. Go to the People CRM, by clicking on the 1st icon on the left side bar and then type their name on the searchbar. Once you see the EP you're looking for in the table, click on their name to open their profile.
2. Once you're there, you can access the Follow Up feature right on the Overview page. It's on the right side of the page, where It's written Follow Up over a drop down list of statuses.
3. The objective is to use this feature to point out what has already been done or still needs to be done about the EP's process. The available options are: Call back later, Contacted, Could not connect, Interested, Invited to INterview, Next cycle, No responde, Not interested for now and Other.
4. Another useful item for EP Management is the Interview feauture. Right to the left of the Follow Up section, you'll find a drop down menu where you can mark the EP as Interviewd or Not Interviewed. This is useful to keep track of the EPs that have already been to a session about AIESEC's Exchange and its Projects with your LC.
5. Once your EP has their Interview and Follow Up statuses updated, you can view them right from the People CRM page by just making this information available in a column. To do it, just select Follow Up on the columns list that will d be shown once you click on the columns icon io the right corner of the table. Contacted at and Contacted by are other quite useful information, related to Follow Up, that you can make visible in a column.
6. You can even filter your EPs according to their Interview and Follow Up statuses. If these filters are not visivle on your People CRM page, please click on More in the filters section and select them from the list that will be shown.. The Last Updated filter is also very useful to track the changes that have been made to their statuses.
7. Don't know how to use filters? Check this article here.
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