1. First, you need to access the EP's profile page. Go to the People CRM, by clicking on the 1st icon on the left side bar and then type their name on the searchbar. Once you see the EP you're looking for in the table, click on their name to open their profile.
2. Now, you're going to access the EP's personal information by clicking on Details, the second item on the list below the EP's name.
3. In this section, you'll find all the information the EP provided. Their contact information is right in the first group, Personal. Check their email and phone number.
4. Notice the EP's email address is masked. This is due to the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), but don't worry, you can still contact them via email. Just click on the copy icon beside the masked address and paste it on the recipient space of you email before pressing send.
5. Do you want o know more about GDPR? Read it here.
6. If you're na iCX member, read this article to learn how to find EPs' contact information via Applications CRM.
Any further questions? Feel free to hit us up at expasupport@aiesec.net
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