Do you believe you need more ways to classify and track down your EPs than the filters allow you to? Don’t worry, EXPA 3 Tags is just the feautere you need. Here’s how to use it:
1. First, you need to access the EP's application page. Go to the Application CRM, by clicking on the 3rd icon on the left side bar and then type their name on the searchbar. Finally, click on the name of the EP you're looking for.
2. Now you'll see their popup Application page. The Tags feature is in the Follow Up section, e the one right after Profile.
3. To use it, just write down the one or more tags you want attached to that EP's application on the space available and click on the check icon.
4. After you added it, the tags will be available right below in the section. Notice you delete any of them at any time by just clicking on the pencil icon and then on the X icon next to one you want gone.
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