To save filters for performance analytics on EXPA (, follow these steps.
1. Go to "Performance Analytics."
At the left of the home page, hover on the "Analytics" icon and click it.
Then click on "Performance" in the side navigation.
Alternatively, click on "Performance" on the main page.
2. Apply your filters.
Type in the entity name
Then select your desired filters.
3. Save your filters.
Click the "Save Filter" function
Enter a "Filter Name" for your newly created filter and click "Save."
4. Check the "Filter."
Now you can easily apply your filters.
Click on the blue drop down arrow to the right of "Performance" and select your new filter using the name you saved it with.
Now you know how to: save filters for performance analytics on EXPA
Any further questions? Contact us at
Disclaimer: The instructions presented are as applicable to desktop users.
[Credits]: This version was authored by: [Azer S.] and edited by: [Peace A.]
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