What is an Entity to Entity Analysis?
An entity-to-entity analysis consists of viewing the exchange numbers across the whole customer flow made between 2 entities.
Let's understand how E2E Analytics works!
By accessing https://expa.aiesec.org/analytics/e2e and setting up the filters, you will be able to check, in a specific date range, how your entity is performing with an entity partner. You need to check the data per stage of the customer flow, choosing one of them per analysis. You can analyze:
- Applieds
- Accepteds
- Accepteds by Host
- Approvals
- Realizations
- FInisheds
- Completeds
The analysis is always between 2 entities and, if you select an MC, the LC information will follow.
Case for using E2E Analytics
Analyze the number of exchanges (realizations) that AIESEC in Tunisia, made for OGV with other countries with Turkey from February 1st, 2022 to January 31st, 2023.
To conduct E2E Analytics on EXPA.
1. Click on E2E analytics
2. Enter The needed information
Products: GV
Status: Realized
Home Entity: Tunisia
Host Entity: Turkey
Time Period: Feb 1, 2022 - Jan 31, 2023
Now you know how to conduct E2E analytics on EXPA.
Any further questions? Contact us at expasupport@aiesec.net
Disclaimer: The instructions presented are as applicable to desktop users.
This version was authored by: [Ferdaous B.] and edited by: [Peace A.]
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