Performance analytics are used to understand the level of performance entities have showcased during a specific period or to understand growth compared to a time period.
To Navigate Performance Analytics on EXPA (, follow these steps.
This can be done via the Analytics options in the left corner, represented by the Pie Chart symbol, or via the Analytics Quick Link.
If you click on "analytics", you will be guided to the following page, which shows all the analytic types in boxed formats. These "types" will appear in a drop a down menu format.
From the below options, select Performance Analysis.
Once you click on it, you will be able to see the following page:
You can find any performance-related information ranging from:
- General Analytics - In the image below, we added two basic filters, Entity and Time period, to see overall performance. You can click on any of the numbers available here and be directed to the Applications CRM for clarification. You can click on the table topics to rearrange them in a preferred manner.
- Product Specific Analytics - In the image below, we added three basic filters, Entity, Period, and Product, to see overall product performance.
- Growth Analytics - In the below image, we have added the filters such as Entity, Time period, and Product and Compared to see overall product growth in terms of the same period within one year, and we can see the results.
If you are a frequent user of a specific type of filter, you can save such filters for quick access, and you can do so as shown below:
STEP 1: Click the "Save Filter" option once you have all the filters.
STEP 2: Give it a name of your choice.
STEP 3: Click on the blue drop icon to access your filter conveniently.
Now you know how to Navigate Performance Analytics on EXPA.
Any further questions? Contact us at
Disclaimer: The instructions presented are as applicable to desktop users.
This version was authored by: [Azer S.] and edited by: [Peace A.]
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