Managing LC is also quite similar in process to managing an MC but with a few differences as shown below. Here, you can manage your entity's profile details and contact information.
Managing Committee:
To access your LC page, you need to follow the following steps:
You can access your MC page on EXPA via:
Note: If you want to edit any details in the Details Sheet, you may click on the pencil icon next to each topic.
- You need to pay attention to how you allocate your structure in EXPA because of the roles' permissions. Especially in the EB structure, which has different permissions than the rest of the committee. (Ensure only the LC EB or MC EB is allocated in that part of the structure)
- If you are an LCP or an LCVP, you need to be allocated in the EB section of the committee. Otherwise, EXPA will not recognize your account as an LC EB Account. We highly recommend creating teams outside the EB Structure for other teams that are not part of the LCEB (LCP or LCVP roles)
How do you add members to the team?
This process is handled ideally by the LCVP PM/TM within the LC which ensures that member details are in one place as well as gives them access to complete the LDA for their team experiences.
There are two types of member additions:
- Adding an existing member:
- An existing member is ideally someone who has a team role assigned to them in the EXPA platform resulting from being in the LC for a certain period of time or by being in another team
- In order to add an existing member to EXPA, what you can do is as follows:
- Follow the above Manage Committee steps until step 03
- Once you are on the Manage Committee tab, select the team to which the member should be added by either creating a new team or selecting an already existing team (In this instance let’s use the existing team concept)
- Once you do so, follow the below steps:
Note: Do you see how there are two types of Add Position buttons in the image prior to the one above this? Here’s why:
- According to the above picture, the structure has been made as LCVP on top and his/her LB members below the name.
- If you add a member under the Team Leader position, that would denote that the added member is a team member in the LC and is being looked over by the Team Leader under whom he/she was appointed
- If you add a member under the LCVP position (ex: IR & Visa Coordinator role above), that denotes that the added member is an LB member in the LC and is overlooked by the LCVP of that specific function
- Adding a new member:
- A new member or newbie is someone who is new to the platform and doesn’t have an account on EXPA
- Before adding this member, the LCVP should have with him/her the first and last name of the new member, his/her personal email address to which the account will be allocated
- Once you have the above information, follow the steps below:
- Follow the above Manage Committee steps until step 03
- Once you are on the Manage Committee tab, select the team to which the member should be added by either creating a new team or selecting an already existing team (In this instance let’s use the existing team concept)
- Then follow the below steps:
Note: At this point, the new member should receive an email asking them to set a password for their EXPA account. After setting this up, they will be redirected to the EXPA Dashboard automatically. Your member is finally ready to start using EXPA. They can use the set password and the email to which they received the set password mail to log in to EXPA from the next time onwards. New members can from here on contact their LCVP PM/TM of their LC to set up their email account and to complete the initial LDA.
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